Tuesday 28 May 2013

Veet Face Easy Grip Ready-to-Use Wax Strips

Ah the joys of being a woman. As if it wasn't bad enough without the addition of unwanted facial hair, and how do you deal with it? Well it usually involves PAIN! As I said the joys of being a woman! i always opt for the pain-free (or at the very least a very small amount of pain) when attempting to remove any unwanted hair

The box contains 20 reusable wax strips & 4 perfect finish wipes.

Where they can up with a 20:4 ratio I really do not know. 20 strips (which are meant to be reusable) and yet only 4 wipes which are definitely not reuse as one use has them worthy of the bin (although it doesn't claim that you can reuse them) but why only four? Have I somehow got so much facial hair that I need a minimum of 5 strips (if i don't reuse them) to rid me of my big hairy face? I think not...

you simply rub a strip between your hands for a few moments to heat up the wax, pull the strips apart and place on the area. I only used these above my lip for a very small amount of hair. i left the strip on for no more than 20 seconds and pulled it off. my facial hair is very fair and very short. one strip done the job well, whipped the hair right off.

realistically the product accomplished what it said it would. i was happy overall with the results, the only thing i was unhappy about was the lack of finish strips which to me seem unrealistic to think that only 4 would be needed when the box provides 20 reusable strips.

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